Information on Nuisance and Aquatic Invasive Species
Blue-green Algae
Background: Blue-green algae blooms can appear as though green latex paint has been spilled on the water, or resemble an oil slick in enclosed bays or along leeward shores (Figures A1 and A2). These blooms are usually temporal events and may disappear as rapidly as they appear. Blue-green algae blooms are becoming more common for a variety of reasons; however, the spread and impact of zebra mussels has been closely associated with blooms of blue-green algae.
Figures A1 & A2 - Example of blue-green algal blooms taken by K&A field crews in 2020 (left) and 2019 (right).
Blue-green algae are a form of bacteria known as cyanobacteria, studies have revealed that substances made and released into the water by some of these nuisance algae can be toxic or carcinogenic. They are known to have negative impacts on aquatic ecosystems and can potentially poison and sicken pets, livestock, and wildlife. Persons can be exposed to the phytotoxins by ingestion or dermal absorption (through the skin). They can also be exposed to toxins by inhalation of aerosols created by overhead irrigation, strong winds, and boating activity.
Approximately one half of blue-green algae blooms contain phytotoxins, and this is determined through lab testing. It is recommended that persons not swim in waters where blue-green algae blooms are conspicuously present. Specifically, persons should avoid contact with water where blooms appear as though green latex paint has been spilled on the water, or where the water in enclosed bays appears to be covered by an “oil slick”. Pets should be prevented from drinking from tainted water. Since blue-green algal toxins can enter the human body through the lungs as aerosols, it is suggested that water containing obvious blue-green algae blooms not be used for irrigation in areas where persons may be exposed to it.
Blue-green algae typically bloom and become a nuisance when resources are limiting or when biotic conditions reach certain extremes. Some of the reasons that blue green algae can bloom and become noxious are listed below:
TP and TN: The total phosphorus (TP) concentration in a water resource is usually positively correlated with the production of suspended algae (but not rooted plants). Very small amounts of phosphorus may result in large algae blooms. If the ratio of total nitrogen (TN) to total phosphorus is low (<20), suspended algae production may become nitrogen limited and noxious blue-green algae may dominate a system because they are able to “fix” their own nitrogen from atmospheric sources. Other common and desirable algae are not able to do this.
Biotic Factors: Zebra mussels and zooplankton (microscopic, free-floating animals) are filter feeding organisms that strain algae and other substances out of the lake water for food. Studies have shown that filter-feeding organisms often reject blue-green algae and feed selectively on more desirable algae. Over time, and given enough filter feeding organisms, a lake will experience a net loss in “good” algae and a gain in “bad” blue-green algae as the “good” algae are consumed and the “bad” algae are rejected back into the water column. This is one of the most disturbing factors associated with the invasion and proliferation of zebra mussel.
Management: Treatment methods for blue-green algae are generally preventative rather than reactionary. One of the most common forms of algae treatment is limiting nutrients, namely phosphorus, from entering the lake ecosystem through several sources. Phosphorus mainly enters lake systems through surface water inputs such as rivers, creeks, or overland runoff. In some inland lakes that experience late-summer stratification, sediment-bound phosphorus at the lake bottom becomes mobilized due to low-oxygen conditions which, under high sustained wind conditions, can mix surface and bottom waters. This is particularly problematic in the late summer. Phosphorus-reducing practices include: implementing Best Management Practices (BMPs) in upstream agricultural and urban areas, limiting nutrient (fertilizer) applications on lawns, planting vegetative buffer strips between nutrient-producing areas and surface water, reducing septic system leaching (if riparian homes are not sewered), binding lake-bottom phosphorus using alum or other adsorbent materials (e.g., Phoslock®), and treating/infiltrating stormwater prior discharge into upstream surface waters of the lake.
Research has shown that water circulation devices such as bubblers or aeration systems may limit the viability of blue-green algae over native algae species as well[1]. Blue-green algae are more buoyant than native algae species and often float to the water’s surface during quiescent conditions to increase the amount of sunlight needed for photosynthesis. Circulation systems disturb the water column and eliminate this evolutionary advantage portrayed by blue-green algae. The intended result is a shift from a blue-green algae dominated community to a mix of green algae species. When nuisance conditions occur, contact algaecides or hydrogen peroxide may be used as a reactionary treatment to destroy algae cells present in the water column. However, chemicals should be applied with caution due to concerns of bioaccumulation and toxicity to other forms of aquatic life. Moreover, chemical applications will often need to ‘chase’ blooms that can be pushed to different areas of the lake with prevailing winds.
Hybrid Eurasian Watermilfoil
Background: Anecdotal evidence suggests that hybrid milfoil has been found in Michigan inland lakes since the late 1980’s. Experience has proven that it is usually not possible to determine whether the milfoil observed is either Eurasian or hybrid genotype based on phenology alone (Figures A3 and A4). However, because they play such similar roles in lake ecology, they are simply “lumped together” and referred to collectively as hybrid Eurasian watermilfoil.
Management: Lake disturbance, such as weed control, unusual weather, and heavy lake use can destabilize the lake ecosystem and encourage the sudden nuisance bloom of weeds, like Eurasian watermilfoil. Eurasian watermilfoil is an ever-present threat to the stable biological diversity of the lake ecosystem. Species selective, systemic herbicide combinations have been used to suppress the nuisance production of Eurasian watermilfoil and support the production of a more desirable flora. However, it is becoming much more resistant to herbicidal treatments. Herbicide resistant Eurasian watermilfoil and hybrid watermilfoil have been observed in many lakes throughout the Midwest.[2],[3] Continued chemical applications can select for herbicide resistant plants, resulting in hybrid watermilfoil.[4] Some research suggests this resistance can be defeated with the use of microbiological system treatments. Eurasian watermilfoil community genetics are dynamic and careful monitoring is needed to adapt to the expected changes in the dominance of distinct Eurasian watermilfoil genotypes. Some of these genotypes may be more herbicide resistant than others and treatment strategies must be adjusted to remain effective in different parts of the lake.
Figures A3 & A4 - Examples of Hybrid Eurasian Watermilfoil taken by K&A field staff in 2019.
Starry Stonewort
Background: Starry stonewort, a macroalgae native to northern Eurasia, invaded North American inland lakes after becoming established in the St. Lawrence Seaway/Great Lakes system. Starry stonewort has likely been present in Michigan’s inland lakes since the late 1990’s. Since then, this invasive species has spread throughout Michigan (Figure A5). Able to spread by both fragmentation and asexual reproduction, starry stonewort has thrived in Michigan’s high-quality oligotrophic and mesotrophic lakes, particularly those with marl sediments. Once established, this opportunistic species will bloom and crash and impose a very significant and deleterious impact on many ecosystem functions. Bloom and crash events are unpredictable and can happen at any time of the year. In some years starry stonewort can become a horrendous nuisance while it can be inconspicuous in others. It can comingle with other similar species and be very difficult to find when it is not blooming.
Figure A5 - Example of Starry Stonewort underwater growth, taken by K&A field crew in 2020.
Management: Starry stonewort is capable of growing to extreme nuisance levels and can significantly impact important ecosystem functions. This species is difficult to control due to its asexual reproductive structures (bulbil) which embed in lake sediments.[5] While many strategies have been employed to manage starry stonewort, no single strategy has emerged as a panacea for controlling infestations.
Diver-assisted suction harvesting (DASH) or diver-assisted hand-pulling of small starry stonewort infestations could reduce populations over time.[6] While these methods can be effective and have high specificity, they are expensive, labor-intensive strategies that require long-term commitment.[7] These strategies may not be viable for large-scale infestations, however, due to their labor-intensive nature and their potential for increasing distribution of the target plant species through fragmentation during removal.
Starry stonewort chemical treatments using copper-, diquat- and endothall-based algaecides have produced mixed results and long-term management has yet to be achieved using chemical biocides alone.[8] While starry stonewort is susceptible to most selective algaecides, the dense mats of vegetation are very difficult to penetrate and provide reasonable biocide exposure. Consequently, multiple algaecide applications may be required to “whittle down” dense starry stonewort growth if the mats reach sufficient height.
Curly-leaf Pondweed
Background: Curly-leaf pondweed (CLP) is one of the world’s most widespread aquatic plant species. Although it is found worldwide, CLP is native to only Eurasia. The earliest verifiable records of the plant are from Pennsylvania in the 1840s, and has been found in Michigan since 1910. Curly-leaf pondweed is currently found in inland lakes of 34 counties in Michigan, distributed both in the upper and lower peninsulas. [9] Scientific literature suggests that curly-leaf pondweed is an aggressively growing species that often expands to nuisance levels when native plants are damaged.
Curly-leaf pondweed can create problems such as recreational nuisances, ecological nuisances (by outcompeting native species and reducing light availability to other plants), and degraded fish spawning habitat. Curly-leaf pondweed is easily detectable in early-spring as it will be one of the few plants readily growing and the first submersed plant to reach the surface. This gives it a competitive advantage and can grow 4 to 5 feet tall before other plants begin germinating from the bottom sediments. As water temperatures rise in late-June and early-July, curly-leaf pondweed stems begin to die, break down, and can be completely gone by mid-July.[10]
Figure A6 - Example of Curly-leaf pondweed taken by K&A field staff in 2019.
Management: Like other invasive species, CLP is difficult to control once established and is considered widespread in Michigan. Therefore, prevention of new populations in uninfected waters is the most economical management approach. Several herbicides have been shown to be effective at long-term control of CLP, but eradication is difficult after establishment. Bottom barriers have shown effectiveness at combating CLP in small areas, and mechanical harvesting of CLP can be effective if timed and managed correctly.[11]
The most viable ways to control CLP is through chemical and physical means after developing an integrated pest management plan. Early infestations may best be controlled by manual assisted suction harvesting (DASH), or benthic barrier use during spring before turions are produced. Aquatic herbicides including endothall, diquat, and imazamox are the most effective for general applications. Aquatic herbicides including flumioxazin and imazamox are effective for specific types of application and in specific environments. Chemical treatments are a part of a long-term integrated management plan as the turions are viable for at least 5 years and only diquat, fluridone, and some hormone treatments have shown a reduction of turion development in the laboratory.[12]
[1] Pastorok, R., T. Ginn, AND M. Lorenzen. Evaluation of Aeration/Circulation as a Lake Restoration Technique. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA/600/3-81/014 (NTIS PB81191884), 1981.
[2] Berger, S. T., Netherland, M. D., & MacDonald, G. E. (2015). Laboratory documentation of multiple-herbicide tolerance to fluridone, norflurazon, and topramazone in a hybrid watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum× M. sibiricum) population. Weed Science, 63(1), 235-241.
[3] Netherland, M. D., & Willey, L. (2017). Mesocosm evaluation of three herbicides on Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) and hybrid watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum x Myriophyllum sibiricum): Developing a predictive assay. J. Aquat. Plant Manage, 55, 39-41.
[4] Netherland and Willey, 2017
[5] Glisson, W. J., Wagner, C. K., McComas, S. R., Farnum, K., Verhoeven, M. R., Muthukrishnan, R., & Larkin, D. J. (2018). Response of the invasive alga starry stonewort (Nitellopsis obtusa) to control efforts in a Minnesota lake. Lake and Reservoir Management, 34(3), 283-295.
[6] Glisson et al., 2018.
[7] Larkin, D.J., Monfils, A.K., Boissezon, A., Sleithd, R.S., Skawinski, P.M., Welling, C.H., Cahill, B.C., and Karold, K.G. 2018. Biology, ecology, and management of starry stonewort (Nitellopsis obtusa; Characeae): A Red-listed Eurasian green alga invasive in North America.
[8] Pokrzywinski, K. L., Getsinger, K. D., Steckart, B., & Midwood, J. D. (2020). Aligning research and management priorities for Nitellopsis obtusa (starry stonewort).
[9] MDEQ. (2018). “State of Michigan’s Status and Strategy for Curly-leafed Pondweed (Potamogeton crispus L.).” Accessed online: <>.
[10] Hart, Steven, M. Klepinger, H. Wandell, D. Garling, L. Wolfson. (2000). “Integrated Pest Management for Nuisance Exotics in Michigan Inland Lakes.” Accessed online: <>.
[11] EGLE, 2018.
[12] EGLE, 2018.